
Vietnamese Style Grilled Five Spice Chicken

  • Resa: 5 Grills
  • Porzioni: 5
  • Tempo di preparazione: 30m
  • Tempo di cottura: 40m
  • Pronto in: 1:40 h
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  • 6 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 1 large shallot, coarsely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon, peeled and minced fresh ginger
  • 4 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup fish sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon five-spice powder
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 chicken (about 3 lbs) cut into eight servings


Passo 1

In a mortar and pestle or small food processor combine the ginger, shallot, garlic and sugar and smash to form a paste.

Passo 2

Create a marinade by transferring the paste to a small bowl and whisking in the soy sauce, fish sauce, five-spice powder and a healthy dose of pepper.

Passo 3

Rinse the chicken pieces in cold water and pat dry. Place the chicken in a large, resealable zip-top bag and pour in the marinade. Toss the chicken inside the bag to cover evenly with the marinade and refrigerate for 12 hours or as long as overnight.

Passo 4

Prepare a charcoal or gas grill for direct grilling over medium heat. Remove the chickens from the bag and reserve the marinade in a small bowl.

Passo 5

Place the chicken pieces skin side down on the grill directly over the heat until the first side is nicely browned, about 11-12 minutes. Baste once or twice with the reserved marinade during the first stage of grilling. Turn, baste again and grill until the chicken reaches the internal temperature of 165°, about11-12 minutes longer. Do not baste chicken during the final 10 minutes.

Passo 6

Remove the chicken from the grill and let rest for at least 5 minutes before serving.

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